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Monday 3 November 2014

Minuman DETOX.

Kalau nak tau muka aku ni ada jerawat yang tk jemu2 nak keluar aje. N bila guna sesuatu produk especially untuk kulit ni, kesan kat aku sangat lambat dan hampir tk nampak kesan sangat. so mula la nak cakap ehs testi nak kasi gempak aje walhal ngan aku tk berkesan pun. hhehehehe!!!

Tapi on my side pulak, aku susah sangat nak minum air kosong. allergic tngok air tu kosong aku mesti nak letak warna sikit. hehehe. n everytime pas makan tak minum, jadi selamanya aku lupa nak minum n teringat nak minum bila haus. 

So antara tips yang aku selalu nampak adalah kena banyakkan minum air kosong kalau nak kulit cantik. jadi macam mana dengan orang yang macam aku yang allergic nak minum air kosong??? huhuhu. 

Terjumpa resepi detox ni dalam FB yang member2 share. DIY minuman DETOX!! Senang je. Cuma perlukan buah2an sitrus je. Untuk aku, aku beli lemon, limau sunkist tu, limau kasturi n limau nipis. 

First time buat aku letak semua, tp for 2nd day aku skip limau nipis coz aku tk leh nak masuk sangat mesti terbayangkan bau air wat mandi bunga. hehehe. jadi ikut citarasa masing2 ye. 

1st day: membuang dengan sangat lawas. biasa sekali je, tp dah jadi 2 kali. 
2nd day: dah 'angkat bendera jepun' (orang perempuan je paham ehehe, yg laki jgan sebokk ehehheh), aku ni dah terlewat sebenarnya. 

*ni juga salah satu cara nak turunkan berat badan, ini aku amalkan masa muda remaja dulu. mmg berkesan. kalu rajin minum hari2 la.  


Potong2 macam ni

letak air masak
pastu letak dalam peti sejuk semalaman. nak mnm terus pun boleh tapi tak rasa sangatla sitrus nya. tp leh perah sikit buah tu sebelum masukkan air. 

boleh minum seharian, just topup air masak je kalau dah kering. 

Selamat mencuba...

Till we meet again, 

Friday 3 October 2014

BORNEO International Kite Festival

image taken from
What else to say to this festival instead of WOW!!!!!!

It is really amazing and i would say it is a successful event. The event is COLOURFUL, EXCITING, FUN, WINDY, HOT and wow wow wow!!!

BIKF has been held in Bintulu, Sarawak from 24th until 28th September 2014. FYI, KITE also called GUDI among Sarawakian. I heard that this event will be gazetted as yearly event. We will definitely be there AGAIN. JOIN us next year to BIKF in Bintulu, Sarawak.

Participants are from various country such as JAPAN, CHINA, MALAYSIA, FRANCE, SEA country, USA and many more. You can check it at This year winner is JAPAN (if i'm not mistaken, was told by the ground-man in charge).

For more information, read more at this link:

Let's enjoy these spectacular moments we manage to capture during the recent event.



27/09/2014 (our 1st day here)


can you spot a frens of witch???

Big n orange lizard

All animals that participated in this festival. hehehe!!! Now all animals can FLY!!!

i think this one is China

thorny rings from Singapore

OK, ours is the smallest one!! heheh!!!


From Singapore


it's a wrap-up, to be continue on next day. 

was told that this is from Malaysia


Owl/cat???? hihihi

we want to participate too.... heheh

Ready n fly......

okeyyy this one cost us rm1 and can't fly high enufff... huhuu!!!

Giant lizard coming down. i guess this kite is from France

Selfie with spongebob!!! *me wearing Damia Shawl,TDL from PSmall* :)

picture taken by ANAS

picture taken by ANAS. not bad, rite??? 

the three of US!

last day set up
we get ours ready too...


have a grip at one of the biggest kite...refer to below picture

hold it tight!!!


our kite. has been upgraded.. heheh

it's time to fly ours.... 

up up highhhhhh

fly alonggggg


that is all... hope that we will be able to see this again next year....!!!

Congratulation BIKF for such a great event!!! Next international kite festival will be in CHINA...