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Monday 24 August 2015

How to take care of spinal injury cat

Remember last few days, i'm telling u about this stray cat that most probably been hit by a motorcycle?? These past few days was a very challenging moment for me n also my husband. With so little of knowledge about injured cat handling put us in most stressed moment ever. We was thinking of sending him to Animal Shelter but the place is already jam-packed. Instead of asking about this injured cat, the owner asking if we are interested of becoming volunteer there. hehehe. 

We had brought a few things that we think may ease our job and help this cat. 
1. New born pampers: since the designated pet pampers is sooooo very expensive, we decided to buy bb's pampers. U can make hole at the end to make the tail get through. 
2. Wet tissue: to wipe off the urine n cleanse the cat. 
3. Mask: if necessary, to be used while cleaning the poops. 
4. Disposal glove: for hygienic purposes during poops cleaning
5. Towel: Small n big towel to dry-off the cat
6. Hair dryer: for fast drying after bathing

Since the cat cannot control its own bladder, so we decided to bath this cat every morning. This to make sure that this cat is clean n to prevent any infection as this cat has an open wound on the stomach. 

Our routine and schedule is now changing:
Routine starts as early as 8am. Bath the cat, only if he pooped in the early morning. Feed him n give medicines. He still can urinate by himself but still need to be cleaned off manually as he cannot feels it. Now needs to mop the entire house twice a day, huhu patah pinggang! hehe. just to make sure no unwanted smelly2 odour. At night, we place the cat into a box so that he will not walking around without pampers and spread around the poops or urine. 

that is how our new routine.... we dont know for how long this will be going on like this and for how long that we able to cope with this matter. For some reasons we might not able to keep this cat as for our jobs required to travel a lot. At the same time, we also pity the cat 's future, if he remaining with this condition. We hope that at least he can survive and take care of himself even if we are not around. 

Most probably, some will think that we are not sincere in taking care of this cat but, bear in mind that we at first have no intention of keeping a pet, but as a human being we can't let this cat suffer since we have saw him in pain the day we found him. No criticise n yes i need advice. (in a polite way though). 

Till we meet again, 

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